Bibliography of proposals for CAP post 2020 Feb 2017

As the debate on ‘modernisation and simplification of the CAP’ in the period post 2020 gathers pace, I thought it would be useful to start a page which brings together relevant contributions from political, think tank, academic, industry and NGO sources as well as relevant blog posts. I will plan to update this occasionally as new contributions are made. There will inevitably be a bias towards contributions in the English language. Readers are very welcome to draw my attention to omissions which might be added to this page.

Political and official documents (listed in time sequence)

Dutch Government, Food of the future – the future of food, Background paper for the informal AGRIFISH Council, 24-25 May 2016.
French Government, A reformed CAP for competitive, sustainable and resilient agriculture, Contribution to the informal AGRIFISH Council, 24-25 May 2016
Conclusions of agricultural Ministers gathered at Chamborg at the invitation of the French Agriculture Minister Stéphane Le Foll, 2 September 2016
The Cork 2.0 Rural Development Declaration, 6 September 2016.
European Commission, 2016. Annual Work Programme 2017, 24 October 2016.
European Parliament. Resolution of 27 October 2016 on how the CAP can improve job creation in rural areas.
Polish V4 presidency’s non-paper on the CAP in the context of the MFF 2014-20 mid-term review/revision and simplification proposals in the omnibus draft regulation, 8 November 2016
Agricultural Markets Task Force, Final Report, 14 November 2016.
Slovak Presidency, Background paper on future of the CAP, Prepared for AGRIFISH Council 14-15 November 2016.
DG AGRI, Public consultation on modernising and simplifying the common agricultural policy (Questionnaire and inception impact assessment), 2 February 2017
Maltese AGRIFISH Council Presidency, Orientation paper for exchange of views on CAP post 2020 at Council meeting 6 March 2017, 28 February 2017.

Think tank and research documents (listed in alphabetical order)

Buckwell, A., 2105. Where should the CAP go post-2020? in Swinnen, J. (ed), The Political Economy of the 2014–?2020 Common Agricultural Policy, Brussels, Centre for European Policy Studies.
Dax, T. and Copus, A., 2016. The future of rural development, in Research for AGRI Committee – CAP Reform post-2020 – Challenges in Agriculture, European Parliament.
European Parliament Research Service, 2016. CAP policy instruments: Issues and challenges for EU agricultural policy, Brussels.
Falkenberg K., 2016. Sustainability Now! A European Vision for Sustainability, European Political Strategy Centre, EPSC Strategic Notes Issue 18, 20 July 2016.
Fresco, L., and Poppe; K., 2016. Towards a Common Agricultural and Food Policy, Wageningen University Research.
Hart, K., Buckwell, A. and Baldock, D., 2016, Learning the lessons of the Greening of the CAP, London, Instittute for European Environmental Policy.
Mahé, L.-P. and Bureau, J.C., 2016. The future of market measures and risk management schemes, in Research for AGRI Committee – CAP Reform post-2020 – Challenges in Agriculture, European Parliament.
Matthews, A., 2016. The future of direct payments, in Research for AGRI Committee – CAP Reform post-2020 – Challenges in Agriculture, European Parliament.
Vogelzang et al., 2016. Het GLB na 2020, LEI-Wageningen UR (in Dutch with English summary).
(press release here)

NGOs and industry groups (listed in alphabetical order)

Benning, R. and Reichert, T., 2016. Fundamente statt Säulen: Vorschläge für eine Neuausrichtung der europäischen Agrarpolitik, A report (in German) by Germanwatch e.V. for the Greens in the European Parliament, published by Martin Häusling MEP.
CEMA (European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association), Towards a New Strategic Agenda for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2020, February 2015.
European Environment Bureau and Birdlife Europe, 2016. UNCAP the Truth: Spotlight on EU Farm Policy.
European Public Health Alliance, 2016. Three steps towards a healthy food future, Submission to the Informal EU Agriculture Council 30-31 May 2016.
Farm Europe, 2017. A new ambition for EU agri-food systems, Final report of the 2016 Global Food Forum, Brussels.
IFOAM, 2017. A CAP for healthy farms, healthy people, healthy planet: Public money must deliver public goods, January.
IPES, Why we need a common food policy for the EU, An Open Letter to Mr Jean–?Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, 4 April 2016.
Momagri, 2016. A new strategic course for the CAP: The White Paper, Paris, Jan 19, 2015.
Oppermann, R. and Lakner, S, 2016. Fit, fair and sustainable: Proposals for a new EU Common Agricultural Policy (English summary), Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU) e.V.(full German version) (English powerpoint)
Marc Tarabella, Eric Andrieu, Jean-Paul Denanot, Nicola Caputo, Tibor Szanyi (Group of S&D MEPS in the European Parliament), A new strategic direction for the CAP, La Libre Belgique, 13 May 2016. (original French version)

Blog posts, presentations etc. (listed in alphabetical order)

Buckwell, A., 2016. Keep chewing this bone: a trickle of ideas on a future CAP, IEEP CAP2020.
Douwe van der Ploeg, J. 2016. Towards an integrated rural development policy 2.0, ARC2020.
Erjavec, E. 2016. Back to the CAP’s future: An interest- or evidence-based policy,
Lakner, S., 2016, CAP direct payments post 2020: German positions, ARC2020
Lankowski, J., 2016. Future EU agri-environment and climate policy – a room for improvement?, OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate, Environment Division, Seminar on the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, Helsinki, 19 April 2016
Haniotis, T., 2016. Global challenges, CAP prospects: an EU perspective, Seminar on the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, Helsinki, 19 April 2016
Mittermayer, F., 2015. Does Europe need a food policy? A food system approach to public policy for food in the European Union, Paper prepared for presentation at the 148th seminar of the EAAE, ‘’Does Europe need a Food Policy?‘’, Brussels, Belgium, 30 November – 1 December, 2015.
Momagri, 2016. Primaire de la droite et du centre : Adopter des aides contracycliques, une proposition largement reprise, 23 Nov 2016.
Niemi, J., 2016. CAP through the eyes of a scientist, Seminar on the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, Helsinki, 19 April 2016

This post was written by Alan Matthews

Note: This post will be regularly updated. Last update 21 February 2017

Photo credit: AGRIFISH Council, reproduction authorised.