Addressing generational renewal: the situation in Ireland

Generational renewal in farming is a big topic in Brussels right now. It is likely to feature heavily in the Vision for Agriculture and Food that the Commission is expected to publish shortly in response to the report of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture. Von der Leyen’s Mission Letter to the incoming Commissioner for Agriculture and Food Christophe Hansen directed him “to present a strategy for generational renewal in agriculture, notably supporting family farms and young farmers to access capital”.  In his confirmation hearings with the European Parliament, Hansen stated that “Creating the conditions to turn the trend of lagging generational renewal, by making sure that farming remains a viable and attractive vocation decades from now, will be the central tenet of my Vision.”… Read the rest

Exemptions to the Enhanced Conditionality of the Common Agricultural Policy: Exercised, Exploited or Eschewed?

We are pleased to welcome this guest post by Pieter Zwaan. Dr. Pieter Zwaan is a Senior Research Fellow at the EU & Global Affairs Unit of the Clingendael Institute and an Assistant Professor Public Administration at the Radboud University. He is specialised in EU agriculture and food policies.

The cross-compliance regime of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) specifies several conditionality rules that farmers must follow to be eligible to receive EU funding, including the so-called direct (or basic income support) payments. These payments account for 20-25% of the total EU budget. The conditionality rules include so-called Statutory Management Requirements (SMRs), based on EU legislation (e.g.… Read the rest

Rise of the far right in the EU

All with an interest in EU policymaking must take note of current developments in Austria where the leader of the far-right Freedom Party FPÖ Herbert Kickl was given the task of forming a new government by the Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen on Monday last. This followed the breakdown of government negotiations between the conservative, liberal and centre-left parties and the resignation of the former leader of the conservative ÖVP Karl Nehammer at the weekend.

Kickl is no stranger to the Austrian government. He previously served as Interior Minister between 2017 and 2019 when the Freedom Party was the junior party in a coalition with the ÖVP led by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.… Read the rest

Limited impact of Mercosur Partnership Agreement on the EU beef market

The EU reached a negotiated agreement on the final texts of what is now called the EU-Mercosur Partnership Agreement on 6 December last (for details see this Commission web page). They include the texts agreed in June 2019, plus the political and cooperation components of the deal agreed in June 2020, as well as additional elements resulting from negotiations between March 2023 and December 2024.

The agreed texts have led to major upheavals within the EU. Several Member States, including France, Ireland, Austria and Poland, have come out to oppose ratification of the agreement over concerns about the deal’s potential impact on both European agriculture and the Amazon rainforest.… Read the rest

Agricultural policy reform in England and the 2024 UK budget

UK farmers are preparing to protest tomorrow November 19th outside Parliament against inheritance tax changes in the new Labour Government budget announced last month. They claim these changes will have a devastating impact on family farm businesses. Perhaps surprisingly, the accelerated phase-out of direct payments also announced in that budget has not been the focus of attention. In this post, I discuss the phasing out of direct payments, leaving the inheritance tax issue to one side.

The UK has been preparing and implementing its post-Brexit agricultural policy since 2018 with the most significant changes taking place in England among the four UK countries.… Read the rest

How net balances might influence Member State views on the size of the next CAP budget

In this post, I look at Member State net budget balances when it comes to CAP expenditure – which Member States would be net gainers or losers from an increase or decrease in the CAP budget, assuming the allocation criteria in play in 2023 were continued. The justification for this exercise is that these net balances likely feed into Member States’ views on the appropriate size of the CAP budget. Net recipients are more likely to favour an expansion in the budget, net payers the opposite. We know that the ‘juste retour’ principle is alive and well when it comes to negotiating the next Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF).… Read the rest

GHG inventory recalculations and misleading climate targets

This post is a rather technical note on how we set and interpret climate targets where the underlying data series are subject to frequent revisions. In the EU’s climate architecture, the level of ambition is usually expressed in terms of reduction commitments relative to a base year. Sometimes these reduction commitments are in percentage terms but are then converted into absolute figures using data from the National Inventory Reports for a recent year or period. In other cases, the reduction commitments are already expressed in absolute terms, but the size of the required reduction has previously been determined by reference to national inventories in a base year or period.… Read the rest

The overlooked role of exchange rates in EU agricultural competitiveness

My attention was caught by a post on X (formerly Twitter) this week from Franz Sinabell, economist at the Austrian Institute for Economic Research. He reproduced a graph based on European Central Bank data showing the evolution of the nominal effective exchange rate for the euro over time. As can be seen from the post below, this shows a steady, if uneven, upward trend indicating a gradual appreciation of the euro, reaching a peak in August 2024. Franz commented that “Sectors that earn money on international markets – e.g. with agricultural goods or food – are currently not having an easy time”.… Read the rest

Future enlargement and its impact on the CAP budget

Yesterday’s vote in Moldova resulted in a razor-thin majority in favour of enshrining the goal of EU membership in the country’s constitution. It appears that significant efforts may have been made by outside interests to influence the voting but, even taking this into account, Moldova appears to be a country deeply divided about the future direction it wants to take. Here, the prospects for EU membership and the cost of the steps that need to be taken for membership to become a reality play an important role.

Moldova applied for EU membership on 3 March 2022, the same day as Georgia and just a few days after Ukraine made its application on 28 February 2022.… Read the rest

What can we learn from the dismantling of GAEC 8?

Annex III of the CAP Strategic Plans Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 sets out the conditionality rules that farmers seeking CAP payments should follow. Under the climate and environment heading, and with the intention to protect the quantity and quality of biodiversity, GAEC standard 8 required a minimum share of the agricultural area devoted to non-productive areas and features, with a derogation for holdings where more than 75% of the area is used for permanent grassland or for the production of grasses or other herbaceous forage, or for the cultivation of crops under water. Holdings with an arable area less than 10 hectares were also exempt, as were certain holdings in areas of natural constraints in Member States with more than 50% of their total land surface area covered by forests.… Read the rest