"Notre Europe" brainstorming

The think tank “Notre Europe” just released a document on the future of the CAP. Notre Europe’s point of view is that because the health check (HC) is likely to lead mostly to short term adjustments, the “real” debate on the CAP is likely to take place before the next financial perspectives. The outcome could be very contingent to the situation that will prevail in 2013 (e.g. market situations). Notre Europe launched a reflexion that intends to look to more structural changes, with a longer term horizon than the HC.
All the members of the (large) task force did not share a common position on this issue and instead of producing a UN-type consensual document, two of the members, L.P. Mahé and I drafted our own conclusions, not necessarily shared by the others. I believe that many of the readers of this website will find the proposals a bit too “French” (even though the authors are considered as dangerous free marketers in their own country). But hopefully, this will trigger more thinking from other institutions.
The link to the English version of the document is here.