Regular readers will have noticed a lull in activity on the website in the last couple of months. Just before Christmas 2018 the site was hacked and spam posts were mailed out to subscribers. I decided to take the opportunity to rebuild the site with greater security and in the meantime to cease activity. I did write a few posts on a temporary blog which I have now transferred to this site. Those who subscribe to the site and receive posts by mail will have noticed a resumption of activity in the past two days as older posts have been mailed out (sometimes in duplicate, for which I apologise). There may well be some teething problems but I hope the site is now up and running normally and that visitors can access and read all posts.
All of the content on the site has been retained and you are welcome to review the Archives which go back to 2006. The formatting in earlier posts can be improved, and I plan to rectify this in coming weeks.
Apart from updating and securing the back-end software, the main visible changes to the site are:
- Refreshing the visual look of the site through the use of a new layout and font, I hope people like the new look.
- Making the site compliant with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation by explaining the site’s cookie and privacy policies and explicitly asking for consent to collect user data.
- Because many of the posts are a ‘long read’, I have added a ‘Print pdf’ button at the bottom of each post so those who want to print out a post or read it as a pdf file are able to do so.
The site will continue to follow and analyse developments in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy and the discussions around food and farm policy more generally. There is a particular need for informed commentary as discussions on the Commission’s proposals for the CAP post 2020 reach a decisive stage. All are welcome to join in the discussion by commenting on posts and guest posts on the theme and in the style of the blog are also welcome.
This post was written by Alan Matthews
Picture credit: Pxhere licensed under CCO Public Domain license
Looks great, thanks for a very informative and important site.
Thank you Alan,
Your effort is highly appreciated